Tag Archives: pizza

Crispin Porter + Bogusky – Domino’s Behind the Pizza

Domino’s Pizza, utilizing the fine talent of advertising firm Crispin Porter + Bogusky, has over the last year and half re-engaged their customers through a series of ads and campaigns focused on transparency – dirty secrets behind advertising, real-life taste testing, persuading nay-sayers and now through their wonderfully interactive “Behind The Pizza” website. CP+B have created a fun and informative interactive experience whose mission is teach customers not only where in America it’s ingredients come from, but also who makes them and how they are processed. It’s a bold move for a “fast food” chain, but one that’s right in line with current trends of healthier eating and more access to information about the food we eat. Domino’s has developed a very unique voice amongst the pizza wars and I’m curious to see if it pays off for them.

Visit “Behind The Pizza” here.