Tag Archives: products

Pop Chart Labs – The Evolution of Video Game Controllers Print

Brooklyn’s Pop Chart Lab is back with a brand new print and this time they set their well honed sights on “The Evolution of the Video Game Controller”. Like most of PCL’s designs, they chart and document a varied and crowded topic, in an extremely detailed and organized way. Be sure to also check out their other great prints, especially “A Visual Compendium of Notable Haircuts…” and my personal favorite, “The Splendiferous Array of Culinary Tools.”

Visit the Pop Chart Lab here.

Poppin Office Supplies

Now that the Poppin office supplies website has gone beta and you can now place orders, I figured it’s worth to do a post reminding readers of their great products. With a colorful spectrum of options and great sets, you can mix and match to create the perfect desk mates that are sure to brighten your work day. Rulers, staplers, highlighters, scissors, inboxes and more are all available now.

Visit the Poppin store here.

Studio: Ah & Oh

It’s always interesting, for me at least, to take a step back when I find arresting projects or designs and look at the studio that created them. Does their work have any unifying voice? Is there a thread of novelty or strange wonderment that can be found in each project? The answer for Poland’s Ah & Oh studio is definitely yes. From their strange but admittedly adorable BugPlug to their sinister and romantic Scent Stories, there’s an slight whiff of absurdity and whimsy to their pieces, which are often grounded in minimal and well executed graphics and typography.

Visit Ah & Oh’s website here.

weekly stimuli – vol. 36

Here’s the 36th volume of Weekly Stimuli – a batch of images from my inspiration archives.

Enjoy the visuals after the jump!

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IDEO – c60 music player concept

IDEO, the conceptual and creative powerhouse, has turned it’s sights on reinventing the social music player. The digital age has certainly seen a proliferation of players, but many remove the sensual delight of touching and interacting with the actual songs in some kind of format. c6o (featured in their new book I Miss My Pencil) aims to the back by embedding “song cards” with RFID chips that sensors within the player can read and form playlists and even mixes from, these cards carry a signal that prompts the player to recall the track form a database or your home computer, playing it through your speakers. I love this concept, especially for more social gatherings, like having a “mixtape” party where every one brings five of their favorite song cards to share and incorporate into a longer mix for the evening. Of course, that can be done now, through hooking up iPods and whatnot, but this allows for people to touch, handle and mix at will, all without the nuisance of looking at a screen, making it less about the technology and more about the music itself.

Visit the “I Miss My Pencil” website here to see more videos and fantastic ideas from IDEO.

Café Con Leche

Who doesn’t love stickers? Café Con Leche, an illustrator/artist duo living in Mexico City, creates lots of wildly imaginative things, everything from stuffed creatures and zines, and also have a running sticker series that includes works from many other great artists from around the world.

Explore their curious and fanciful world here.

Poketo for Target

The super talented folks at Poketo, makers of fine art, graphic prints and other sundry beautiful things have teamed up with Target for a great line of products. Thermoses, tote bags, clothing, umbrellas and more.

Click here to browse the line at the Target website.